Car Loan Down Payment Calculators

How much down payment do you need?

Estimate the down payment needed based on a loan amount and a desired monthly payment. If you want to estimate the sale price of a vehicle based on your credit rating, down payment, and trade equity or negative equity use our Vehicle Affordability Calculator.

Simple Down Payment Calculator

To calculate the down payment needed enter the amount financed, interest rate, loan term, and desired payment.

National Average Interest Rates Base on Credit Score

For your reference listed below are national average interest rates for new and used cars and maximum loan terms based on credit score. Values are updates quarterly. Check Your Credit Score.

Rating Score *New Rate Used Rate Max Term
Great Credit 781-850 5.08% 7.41% 75
Good Credit 661-780 6.7% 9.63% 75
Fair Credit 601-660 9.73% 14.07% 72
Poor Credit 501-600 13% 18.95% 72
Bad Credit 300-500 15.43% 21.55% 72
No Score 0 19.95% 25% 72
*Source: Experian Q3 2023